Hello my fellow Trinity friends! There is a lot I could write about but, I think the most important thing for you to know is that this Sunday after service we are having a pop-luck lunch for those interested in hosting or joining a Pop-Up dinner group. Resurrecting our Pop-Up dinners is the first in a many tiered step on bringing our Lean-In conversations from Lent to life. If you’ve never been a part of one, it’s pretty simple: people from Trinity getting together to get to know one another for a meal once a month.

If you’re a new or old member of Trinity looking to engage your community in a more holistic way and cannot attend anything during work hours, this is perfect for you! There are still a few slots open to sign up, please click here! If you’re wanting to attend or join, but cannot make it this weekend, no worries, email me and I’ll make sure you get all the info that comes out of that meeting.

See you Sunday!


Grace and peace,
George Benson (he/him)