How much should I commit to give for 2025?

The first – and most important – answer to the question is to consider prayerfully what you are able to give. No one knows your personal circumstances better than you do, nor does anyone comprehend what your relationship is with Jesus and his church. We also want to acknowledge that people often have other important philanthropic interests. Every household has some idea what their total giving to charity could be on an annual basis – to the church, their alma mater, Heart Association, Audubon Society, The Nature Conservancy, NPR.

Having said this, some people find it helpful to think of their pledge as a percentage of their income. (And if you wonder whether we mean your net or your gross income – you get to choose!) The fact is that everyone who gives money to the church already gives a proportion of their income – they just aren’t aware of it. We think it’s better to know the percentage so you can actively think in such terms.

Let’s say that you earned $50,000 in 2024 and gave $1,000 to Trinity. Your pledge would be 2% of your income. Let’s take it a step further and say you received a healthy $10,000 raise, so your income for 2025 will be $60,000. If you sustained your giving at 2% of your income, your pledge will be $1,200. Of course, if your income decreases, proportional giving means that your pledge will decrease.

Here’s a handy chart that provides the information you need to determine what percentage of your income you are now pledging to Trinity. Can you sustain your gift at the same proportional level in 2025 – or, consider increasing your pledge by 1% of your income. Just find your income, and the block of your weekly gift, and move one block to the right!