Dear Friends,

The Gospel reading for this coming Sunday talks about lots of people “coming and going” around Jesus and his disciples. It seems an appropriate scripture passage for this week when Trinity has lots of comings and goings on among our building partners.

We purposely use the term “building partners” instead of “tenants” for the entities that occupy parts of our building because the parish doesn’t rent space to just any organization or business looking for a downtown location. We choose to share space with organizations that align with Trinity’s mission to be engaged with the life of the City of Toledo and that share our progressive and inclusive values.

Leadership Toledo, our longest-running building partner, has – these last weeks – been steadily moving out of the offices they’ve occupied on the third floor of the Parish House. They’re taking some furniture with them, donating some to Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore, recycling outdated electronics, and tossing out everything else. Trinity shared in the cost of the dumpster Leadership Toledo brought in so we could also clear out the kinds of things that always seem to accumulate at churches. (Thanks, by the way, to the fifteen volunteers who showed up this past Monday evening to help!) We’ll miss our colleagues at Leadership Toledo but take solace and even some satisfaction in this church’s part in providing space for them to grow as they were starting their work with both adults and youth.

While Leadership was moving out upstairs, Toledo Streets Newspaper (TSN) was moving furniture and other items into their new location downstairs in the former Next-to-New space. Their first vendor meeting at Trinity was yesterday and, since it was our turn to provide the vendor lunch, we hosted lunch for them in My Brother’s Place. We are delighted to welcome this organization whose goal is to give the Toledo community a program to lift individuals out of poverty through work. TSN will have access to their space from their entrance on N. St. Clair.

And, finally, while these two organizations were “going and coming,” Trinity finalized an agreement with Girls on the Run Northwest Ohio (GOTR) on Wednesday. In the next two weeks, they will move into some of the space being vacated by Leadership Toledo.

GOTR serves fourteen counties in northwest Ohio and offers programs designed to inspire girls of all abilities to recognize and embrace their inner strength and make meaningful connections with others. It’s about so much more than running! Trained coaches use physical activity and discussions to build social, emotional and physical skills while encouraging healthy habits for life. They’ve served over 7,000 girls in northwest Ohio since 2012.

Part of the national GOTR organization, our newest building partner offers a welcoming space where all can have a meaningful and engaging experience and feel like they belong. When GOTR says “all,” they mean people of all races, ethnicities, income levels, sexual orientations, gender identities, religions, and abilities. Their commitment to radical hospitality mirrors ours.

Farewell and godspeed to our friends at Leadership Toledo, and welcome to our newest building partners. We look forward to many years of mutually beneficial relationships.

Stephen Applegate