Beloved Friends-
This Sunday we launch our 2020 Annual Pledge Campaign – a time of intentional reflection and response to what it means to be a community of faith supporting the ministry we share. Each fall we boldly talk about money and its power and promise as we plan for another exciting year ahead. You are an invaluable part of this process – so welcome.
When we set “Faith-Filled Generosity” as the theme for this year’s pledge drive we did not know what this year would be like. We had no idea that Trinity@Home would be our new way of spreading the Good News of God’s love in our lives, and yet here we are – bigger and bolder than ever – living into new ways of sharing and living into the ancient messages and rhythms of our life together. We are stronger, more resilient, and more connected than we have ever been as a Church and as a community of neighbors. Thank you. Thanks to each one of you doing your part in your homes, workplaces, schools, neighborhoods, families, and here in our community of faith.
Together we have witnessed countless ways we have used our resources for the mission of the Church to help each other, our immediate neighbors and a hurting world. This coming year, we will explore the way our generosity is inspired by our faith, how we are formed and boldly led into relationships with each other and courageously share our gifts with the world. This is what we mean by “Faith-Filled Generosity.” How will each of us discover and use the gifts given to help our community this year? How will each of us hear the Gospel call to seek and serve Christ in all people, and respond with generosity? As we look at each family, each individual in our community, each new friend that has found a new spiritual home with us since March of 2020, I realize we are the stewards of abundant grace because we give to the world from what we have received ourselves.
Our 2020 Annual Pledge Drive webpage seeks to answer some of your questions for our 2020 Pledge Drive as well as includes a online pledge card to be submitted once you have discerned your level of giving for the year to come. We invite you to receive this with grace and prayer as you consider how you will share with God and God’s Church from what you have received.
The Rev. Dr. Lisa Tucker-Gray, Rector