downtown toledo
Inclusive. Creative.
Join us in person every Sunday at 10am:
316 Adams St.
Toledo, OH 43604
The stuff that matters
Dear Friends,
On Sunday, November 3, we invited people to bring their loose change for a “Day of Change” fundraiser to benefit Breakfast at Trinity. I am happy to announce that it was a rousing success, and we received $3,701.60 in total donations. This amount will continue to bolster and support our rapidly growing signature ministry. Thank you so much. Over the past month we have averaged about 100 people a Sunday, and this past week we served our 2,500th meal. For a ministry that has been in full operation since Easter, I am constantly impressed with its growth – not just in numbers of people, but, more importantly, in the relational aspect that we value the most. Our incredible volunteers, who show up every week and continue to listen to the stories of those present, are an important part of who we are at Trinity.
Before we know it, it will be time to decorate our houses for Advent and Christmas. Trinity, at one point, had a history of making custom ornaments. This is something we are bringing back in the form of another fundraiser for Breakfast at Trinity. Starting this Sunday, November 17, you will be able to purchase custom-designed ornaments for $30 (about what it costs to feed a table of eight people on Sunday). All proceeds will support Breakfast at Trinity. It is getting colder, and as the number of guests on Sunday climbs due to inflation affecting the cost of groceries, your purchase of an ornament will help put us further ahead of our financial goals as we wait to hear whether we will be the recipients of another Episcopal Community Service (ECS) grant for Breakfast at Trinity.
Finally, as has been announced in a previous issue of Topics and on Sunday in church, we received a gift from a long time Trinity member to provide meals for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Our Thanksgiving meal will be served 11:30 am-12:30 pm on Thanksgiving Day. Most of the food we need has already been purchased. However, if you are interested in volunteering and want to bring something as well, please feel free to do so! We are asking for volunteers to arrive by 10:30 am to help set up and to review some brief training about serving the meal. We expect 100 guests to come and eat, so we could use all the help we can get! Please sign up to help by clicking here.
This is the stuff that matters in the times we are in. Shine bright my friends.
Grace and peace,
George Benson
Director of Community Engagement